Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Define Liberty: Introducing Progressives for Ron Paul

It is often important to highlight the plight of others to define liberty. Progressives for Ron Paul is a blog fighting for the liberty of U.S. citizens from the affairs of other nations. Progressives for Ron Paul writes:
[Progressives and libertarians] both agree that our nation spend obscenely too much money on war and war preparation, so much so that we end up making war more likely.
While Progressives for Ron Paul supports the non-intervention of our government in the affairs of other nations, the blog does not support the non-intervention of our government in our own affairs. 

For example, on the money saved from funding the Military Industrial Complex, the blog writes:
We Progressives would like to take every dime and use it to fund national green infrastructure projects, universal single payer health care and [then] pay down the debt.
Perhaps Cornelius, author of the blog, should ask himself the following questions:
Where does the Constitution give the federal government the authority to fund national green infrastructure projects? ...a universal single payer health care system? 
If from the "general welfare" or "necessary and proper" clauses, why do the Ninth and Tenth Amendments exist? 
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